Active Angular Kit

Angle Grinder
for automated
surface treatment
As an integrated grinding solution for weld seam leveling, the Active Angular Kit also guarantees a significant increase in productivity. The precisely-matched system package combines the Active Compliant Technology with a robot-compatible angle grinder. FerRobotics integrated complete solution automates the industrial robotic grinding process with individual control of all process parameters: speed of rotation, real contact force in any orientation and feed rate. That means an AAK offers the highest process quality from one source with a system design that is compact and simple. In fact this enormously durable grinder is designed for industrial use and delivers twice the output of standard devices and creates beautifully finished parts, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Surface treatment: Grinding, polishing, cleaning, deburring
All materials: Steel, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, carbon, plastic, wood, ceramic, coconut fiber, ...
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Room for Improvement
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